Tardy to School
Lower School scholars are considered tardy at 7:45am. Upper School scholars are considered tardy at 8:15am.
Every day a student is absent at our “Official Attendance Taking Time” means they miss out on the extraordinary instruction that takes place within our walls. Our curriculum is quite rigorous, and every day is important for our students’ academic progress. Thank you for your constant support of our school community.
Official Attendance Taking Time – Lower School: 9:25am
Official Attendance Taking Time – Upper School: 10:00am
To report an absence please send an email to GHAattendance@greatheartstxschools.org OR call the attendance line by dialing 817-260-0890 and press 3 to leave a message.
We recognize that absences will undoubtedly happen. Children with fever, vomiting, or diarrhea should always be kept at home. Please consult our Health Policy for Students and Staff regarding specific guidelines related to illness.
Here are some simple ways you can help our school keep our Average Daily Attendance high:
- Schedule all doctor appointments before or after Official Attendance Taking Time of 9:25am so that students can be counted present for the day.
- Always bring a doctor’s note for medical appointments or absences. They can be brought to the front desk or emailed to us atGHAattendance@greatheartstxschools.org.
- Keep students at home if they are contagious. Students must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing drugs before returning to school.
- Stay healthy! Prevent the spread of germs by reminding students to wash their hands frequently and cover their faces when they cough or sneeze.
See our Family Handbooks for details on all our attendance policies. Excessive tardies in a given quarter may result in lunch detention.